So the first entry was taken on my birthday which was Tuesday. Twenty-three years old and this is what I'm doing with my life. I didn't have anything fresh at home so I whipped something up using left overs. I had some left over papa rellena that my grandmother had made for me over the weekend and placed it with some left over steam rice, chicken and broccoli left overs. They both complimented each other quite nicely. I spiced it up by sprinkling a little seasoning on the chicken as well as mixing it with a garlic sauce.

For today I wanted to take it easy with my food intake since I ate like a pig the night before. It was my birthday so I didn't give a shit. I took left over veggie's with some ground turkey and mixed it together. I then prepared a little baggie with reduced fat Wheat Thins and placed on the side and had accidentally made a taco dish. It wasn't even planned but I was quite happy with the end result.

Well that's it for today. Hope whoever ends up reading this enjoys it. Let's see what I whip up for tomorrow! Probably something disgusting. See ya!
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