It really drives me up the fucking wall when a parent must bring a baby to go see a fucking movie. Especially if the movie is PG-13 or R. Now I'm sure this is a problem that many people have ranted about and now it's my turn to go ape shit over it. So today's adventure began when my girlfriend and I decided to go to the movies to check out Eagle Eye since it started raining at the festival we were at. Now from what I could gather, the movie was pretty cool for what it was. But I think I could have gotten into it waaaaaay more if it hadn't been for the baby 5 rows above us, crying for I don't know...90% of the fucking movie.
Now I understand what most people might say. Parents have to get out sometimes especially when there is a new born. It's essential, so they don't go stark raving mad. But I don't see why they can't hire a fucking baby sitter or at least leave the fucking baby with a family member. Be courteous to the other people in the theater who forked up 11 bucks to go see a fucking movie. I'm pretty sure the baby doesn't want to see Shia Le'bouf as much as you do.
What really got under my skin though was the fact that the parent did not even leave the theater to calm down the kid. They just sat there, letting the baby cry, for the whole entire fucking movie. Come on. COME. ON. No really, dialogue that will explain the plot to me doesn't really matter anyway. I just like watching explosions. Thats what I paid to see. Explosions. Explosions and the cries of infants. Thats how I love to spend my sundays. If I had known that the sound track to Eagle Eye was going to be babies crying, I would have gone home and jerked off into a tissue. Which to me, is more productive. But I guess it doesn't really matter since parents will keep doing this. Nothing will change. Idiots still roam the earth. Oh well. I gave my 2 cents.
In other news, I just finished my portrait of David Cross. I think it depicts him pretty well if I do say so myself.
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