Sunday, January 10, 2010

Populating the internet one site at a time

Work on the Freud piece is going well. I think I found a pretty neat color scheme I can stick to with this one. Should be fun working with this color set. I'm still working on ideas for the background but that shouldn't be too hard. Hopefully this will be done a lot faster than Lynch. I really don't think I can take that kind of mental abuse again.

If all goes well I will be having a very special art show in the summer. The only problem is just not having a stronger body of work. So until then I really need to buckle down and produce more art. There's a lot of new material and ideas I want to work with so it should be great if all comes to fruition.

Besides all that, I've found a new home on the internet to store my portfolio. It's a pretty sweet joint that has a lot of great artists roaming it's halls and what not. Probably should focus more on getting a real website buuuuttttt I'm lazy, so fuck it. This will do for now. So if you dig my work, promote it, endorse it. Link the shit out of it man. You would make me a very happy camper by doing so.

Well that's all for now kiddies. Actually no. That's a fucking lie. I promised a progress pic last night and goddamnit, I'm gonna deliver one. So here you go, enjoy!


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