Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Crazy Fucking People

Here's a good story for you guys. This just proves my theory that I'm living in some sort of horror movie or FUCKED UP psychological thriller. So today at work I arrive to the apartment where I'm suppose to walk Casey. As soon as I close the door behind me, the fucking door bell rings. I open the door and it's this old lady.

She looks at me and says in a very eerie voice "Oh it's you....". Mind you I've never, EVER, met this woman in my life. She decides to start this conversation with "Oh it's you". So that already had me going what the fuck way before the shit really hits the "are you fucking serious?" fan. Casey then walks next to me and starts to rub her head against my knee like most dogs do. And the old lady starts to fucking freak out and begins breathing deeply.

She looks at me and says "No...this isn't it. Not him. I don't want it near me. I didn't want it", while covering her face with her hands still talking in that creepy old woman voice. The whole time this woman was talking my jaw was literally dropping as I processed what the fuck she was saying. At that point I just closed the door on her and proceeded to ask myself, "what the fuck...?".

The whole thing was very unsettling. Especially since a few weeks ago I was in an elevator, going to walk another dog and an automated message starts playing on the speaker inside the elevator. It was some lady telling me that they've sent notifications to my home about taking care of my debts and I need to make it my top priority before they take action. The message cut off and I ran out of the elevator. So I wonder whats in store for me next. Maybe I'll find a baby in a field that turns out to be to reincarnation of an ancient God?



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