Where the fuck have I been you ask? Well, I've been experiencing quite the eventful summer. Apologies all around. I promise you, fine people of the internet, this shall not happen again. Especially since some major changes have occurred. I will most definitely be a lot more present on this blog as well as the other forms of social networking sites you can find me on (eg. Twitter & Facebook). There's plenty of news to cover so lets get to it shall we!? First off, the big stuff...
My website is finally up and fully operational! Please check it out and spread the word to your friends, loved ones, local police enforcement, the vagrant that hands outside the super market. As you can see, the blog will be tied in with the site so you can read this post there as well. We also have a neat little comment feature on all the illustrations. Finally, props go out to Azalea for designing the lovely site. She did such a fantastic job. I honestly couldn't be happier with the results. Go hire her and give her lots of cash.
Second! Over the summer I hooked up with a fantastic group of people that go by the name of The White Train. They are a group of individuals who seek out local artists in the tri-state area and bring them together to form a collective of super-crazy talented individuals. We're like the super friends, but we drink and curse like sailors. It's fun. They had a big opening event in the middle of the summer which had a HUGE turn out. Pictures will be posted below with links attached to each image. Please follow them on facebook if you like what you see.
(White Train Blog)
(Launch Event Photo Album)
(White Train Facebook Fan Page)
(My interview with The White Train)
(My Facebook Fan Page!)
As you can see on the last picture, I now have a Facebook fan page :). So you better go like it or I will cry myself to sleep for many nights. Onto the last bit of news, my trip to beautiful San Francisco! Around mid-August a couple of friends and I ventured to the great west coast. It was quite the lovely experience. We got to meet some fantastic people, visit some truly beautiful places and ate like fucking kings. Unfortunately, I don't have the pictures we took on me at the moment, so that will be posted sometime later. Well thats it for today my friends. Tomorrow you guys shall be treated to some progress shots of what I'm currently working on. Until then, farewell!